Watch Afro Tanaka online for free at HD quality, full-length film. Watch Afro Tanaka film online for free. The film Afro Tanaka has got high rating, from many total votes for watching this film online. Watch this on the site. Hiroshi Tanaka (Shota Matsuda) sports an intense perm which looks like the afro hairstyle favored by some African-Americans back in the 1970's. He doesn't get his hair done at a hair shop, he was actually born with his hair like that. For freedom, Hiroshi moves to Tokyo. He works hard there and, even though he turns 24, he still doesn't have a girlfriend. Meanwhile, a school friend informs Hiroshi that he is going to get married. Hiroshi remembers a promise that they made. Hiroshi is even more impatient to find a girlfriend. A beautiful woman named Aya Kato (Nozomi Sasaki) then moves into the neighborhood.
Year: 2012
Genre : Comedy
Runtime: 114 minutes
Release Date: 2012-02-18
Actors : Shota Matsuda, Nozomi Sasaki, Kaname EndĂ´, Ryusuke Komakine, Atsushi Tsutsumishita
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